Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Money Project Online

Take a look at
Posted by
10:20 AM
Labels: advertising, link exchange programs, make money online, search engines
Sunday, July 1, 2007
77. Let's Have Some Fun
I found this thingy from Nessa's blog, maybe this button can cheer you up in time of sorrow. Let's have some fun! Sometimes, I'm wondering does it ever end?
Put The Big Red Hot Button On Your Blog
Posted by
5:55 AM
Labels: friends, friends and family, fun
Saturday, June 30, 2007
76. More Ads From Nuffnang
I will make this post as short as possible and I just want to tell you that I just got more ads from Nuffnang from time to time. Read more about Nuffnang here. Thanks a lot to the Nuffnang Team and please keep up the good work. By the way, for your information I just claim out my first payment from Nuffnang. I will write about that when I receive the cheque from Nuffnang so please stay tune..:)
Related Post
47. Nuffnang Pays Nuffnangers.
44. I've Got Mail From Nuffnang.
12. A Little Bit About Nuffnang
Posted by
10:22 PM
Labels: advertising, advertising community, blog advertise, nuffnang
75. 4th Batch: Mini Review Program
Hello guys and girls out there, here come the 4th Batch of my Mini Review Program which is running on every 15th and 30th day every month. Let's see who will be lucky enough to get free mini review from me this time. A big thank you to all my readers, visitors and supporters, enjoy reading my mini review. Looking forwards for the next batch in 15th of July 2007. So, here is the luckiest persons in my 4th batch. Check it out! 1. Faddy - Faddy is an owner of I really like her site and her post since the style is attractive and sounds friendly to me. She also have many commentators in her site and maybe you can be one of them. By the way, thanks for dropping by Faddy.
2. akiraceo - Actually I found this blog from Nuffnang site. Read more about Nuffnang here. What I like about this blog is the 'Miao' mascot. Akiraceo is a blog about life, movies, trave and 'Miao' itself. Happy blogging my new friend.
3. lonelyhu - is a blog about love, romance, relationship, marriage, family, work, life, society and what they means to us. Right now, you can get free review for your blog in this site, please check this post to find out more.
4. jegr - jegr is one of the AGLOCO members and I think he just started a blog about AGLOCO. The blog entitled AGLOCO - Make Money While Surfing.
5. thebaptist - This is the 2nd time thebaptist or Simon appearing in my Mini Review Program. Congrats Simon. He just started a new making money site and it's worth to take time browsing around his new site, Simon's Money Note.
6. fencer - fencer have a blog about music and movies. The design and the layout of this blog is clean I like the way fencer presented the music albums. For whom would like to search for the new music album, check out this site, Bajaloads.
7. Blionky - Blionky likes to explore the depth of the internet and constucting article with a purpose. His blog, Constructicle Boy is a place which you can find some great post about internet and making money online too.
8. chankailoon - chankailoon is an owner of and he likes to blog about movie, design and comics. His recent post includes, Transformers Review and Mr Rabbit Exercise. Cool blog!
9. Rishi - Rishi authoring Technical Blogs which aimed to showcase some great and hidden finds from the internet. Right now, he is organizing a contest and guess what, he is giving out a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-S650.
10. thurga - thurga runs a blog entitle Mutiara Hidup which covers short story, info board and mystery. Good Luck with your blog thurga!
Would you like to be include in my next Mini Review Program on 15th July 2007(4th Batch: Mini Review Program), simply visit my blog on 15th July 2007 and if you are lucky enough, your blog will be featured in my next Mini Review Program. Please read the rules for this program HERE.
Related Post
70. 3rd Batch: Mini Review Program
56. 2nd Batch: Mini Review Program
41. 1st Batch: Mini Review Program
23. Link Exchange With My Blog
It's Your Internet - Own A Piece of It
4 Simple Steps To Earn Money Online
1. Sign Up as an AGLOCO Member (It's FREE).
2. Download the Viewbar.
3. Refer new members to earn more.
4. Continue surfing AND get paid.
Posted by
8:42 PM
Labels: blog review, link exchange programs, mini, mini review program, review
Friday, June 29, 2007
74. AGLOCO Said "Walk Before Running"
Actually, this update is very important to all AGLOCO members out there. The term ‘Viewbar Stability’, ‘Website Stability’ and ‘Ad Rotation’ are described clearly by Brian Greenwald. Okay, let’s us take a look the whole post by Brian.
The first order of business is to get the Viewbar (and our website) stable – with rotating ads.
- Viewbar Stability: We will be releasing an updated version of the Viewbar software within a week that will take care of some of the remaining ‘bugs’, and we will continue to stabilize the software. If you already have the Viewbar, you do not need to do anything to get this new version, as your Viewbar should automatically self-update with it. For the most part it seems these remaining ‘bugs’ appear minor and only affect a very limited number of members. This is good. This means we can put our primary emphasis on the next phase of the Viewbar while leaving a small team to work on the minor bugs.
- Website Stability: We will be making the Viewbar software available on one trusted alternate download site (we are picking it now and it will be all set up before we send a Viewbar download “reminder” email to the Membership). This should help our servers balance the website traffic with the stress of the download process. We will continue to make adjustments and improvements to our servers in order to improve performance for those browsing (so there are no disruptions to the sign-up process for new Members in the future).
- Ad rotation: We are working with the ad server people to optimize this process. The way they initially rotated the ads was crashing their servers with all the Viewbars asking for ads, so they have needed to improvise. Now it seems that some Members are getting rotating ads and others aren’t, depending on browser settings and computer environment. They are working on solutions so their ads show up on all Viewbars, regardless of computer environment or settings. I do not know how long this will take, but we have seen a steady improvement in the number of users who get rotating ads, so it seems progress is being made.
Brian also took a little space to write about maximizing the Viewbar revenue. According to his post, there are actually many ways to improve AGLOCO’s revenue includings:
- Improving our search and ad revenue sources and sharing agreements. As more Members use the Viewbar, our bargaining power grows.
- Start the Viewbar targeting system. One part of this system will focus ads based on your searches and surfing. Another part of this system will focus ads based on where you live (of course, AGLOCO will need to have a contract with ad networks in each of these countries to provide local ads in local countries).
- Better inform Members of the revenue generating opportunities on the Viewbar.
- Continue to work with existing Members who have not yet activated their Viewbars. We expect that after the initial spike of downloads this process will be one of gradual adoption. New Members signing up will have access to the Viewbar right away.
- Continue to make improvements to encourage continued viral growth of the AGLOCO Membership. This includes website improvements, increased Viewbar functionality, and an opt-in Member-to-Member communication system.
From this update we can see that AGLOCO is expanding with all members and since the Viewbar have been released, the sign up is totally increase from time to time. So, if you’re not a member yet, what are you waiting for? Join this internet revolution by simply click the ‘JOIN NOW’ button and get paid when you’re surfing the internet!

Posted by
4:55 PM
Labels: a global community, AGLOCO, AGLOCO Malaysia, viewbar
Sunday, June 24, 2007
73. AdBrite - More Money Through Advertising
Hello website and blog owners, I just find out how AdBrite can help me to generate more revenue from my ad space in my lovely blog, Project AGLOCO. So, I want to share on how you can make money too using AdBrite. There are 3 easy steps to get started with AdBrite:
Advantages using AdBrite:
- Take control of your ad space. AdBrite eliminated the guesswork from online ad publishing. You'll be able to approve or reject any ads purchased for your site. Never worry again about inappropriate content or competitor ads appearing on your ad placements.
- Sell directly to your users. With their simple "Your Ad Here" link beneath every AdBrite ad placement, users are just a click away from a dedicated purchase page created just for your site. Your own users could be your best customers - it's never been easier to sell ad space directly to them.
- Customize everything. Your ads shouldn't have to clash with your site. That's why we give you the option to completely customize the look and feel of the ads you sell. Change fonts, colors, placement sizes, and more.
- It's free to sign up. There are no setup fees or hidden charges ever. Get started today and you could start generating revenue in just minutes!
I found this great video about AdBrite in Youtube and I would like to share with you all. Just wondering when I will receive the first cheque from AdBrite..:)
According to the AdBrite policies, they will hold up the payment in about 60 days and in that case maybe I will receive my first cheque in late August or September. So, what are you waiting for? If you have a blog or website, simply click the banner below and signup as a publisher now. You can start earning money with AdBrite – The Internet’s Ad Marketplace.

Posted by
8:48 AM
Labels: AdBrite, advertising, advertising community, make money online
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
72. Reviewback Create Buzz!
Hi guys and girls, do you love exchanging review with other bloggers? If you do, consider to look out a website; Reviewback dot Com. I just participated in Reviewback, which is a blog reiew exchanging service. The main reason I signed up for this type of service is to gain more exposure for my blog.
Posted by
6:49 PM
Labels: blog review, free, new service, new website, review
Monday, June 18, 2007
71. Age Doesn't Matter To Make Money Online
Yes, it is absolutely true. Age doesn't matter if you have an intention to make money via internet. Believe it or not, I found a blog that was authored by a 14 years old kid from Philippinnes which discussing about tips for bloggers and how to make money online. He seems to be in the internet since he was a boy and likes to play online games, chatting, networking and etc. He said that he was heavily inspired by his dad and although he received a lot of criticizes but still, he believes that age doesn't matters when you're in the internet. Everyone has their own space in the internet!
To be honest, I don't know how much he makes money through the internet but at least you can learnt something everytime you visit his blog. This is the place where you might get useful techniques in increasing your blog ranking or improve yout writing skills. And for sure the tips that I found here are really hot! Just look at these post; The Ultimate Blogging Checklist, How To Get .edu and .gov Backlinks Easily?, The Importance of Setting Goals and How.
Obviously, the purpose of this post is to write a review about CarlOcab dot Com and he is inviting you too to review his blog for a free linkback from his Technorati's top 3687 blog. By reviewing his blog, maybe you have a chance to get new readers and besides he will pick a random winner to win his e-book. Last word from me, all the best to you Carl Ocab!
Posted by
5:47 PM
Labels: blog, blog review, internet, make money online, review
Saturday, June 16, 2007
70. 3rd Batch: Mini Review Program
Hello everybody, it's time for another Mini Review Program and this is the 3rd batch (What is Mini Review Program?). Yesterday, I've took a snapshot of 9 MyBlogLog blogger who last visited my blog and wrote a little bit about them. I would like to thank to all readers, visitors and friends who took their precious time to visit my blog. Hopefully you will get something from my blog and as promised, here is my 3rd batch for my Mini Review Program. Looking forward to the 4th batch on 30th of June 2007! 1. hfadzli - hfadzli likes to share his experienced on how to make money online in his blog, Money Maker Spot. Besides, he also are giving away free mini review to all his readers, check out his program here!
2. aglocoph - His real name was Johnny and one of AGLOCO members. His blog, Stentorized Blogging is a blog which has an attractive post. Just now, he just invite me to ride an exclusive Alexa Train Program. Thanks dude!
3. Turk_ - Turk is a guy from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. He blogs about AGLOCO and the opportunity to earn money for being online. Check out his blog!
4. 1dollar - Kristof Polleunis or better known as 1dollar runs a site, Right now, he is offering a free linkback from his PR3 site. Check out this opportunity!
5. pakdi - pakdi (Suzardi Maulan) runs a blog entitled Esprit De Corps which focusing on business, money and investment. Really interesting blog and he also offering free ebook in his site.
6. Cheekui - Cheekui is an owner of Dirty Little Secret site which he would like to share his journey to make money online using what ever ways that he can do. With his PR3 site, it's worth to write a review for a free linkback from Chee Kui!
7. steveyu85 - steveyu85 or his real name Kok Hui is a part time blogger who author a blog, Malaysia Loves AGLOCO. I like to read his posts and I think he is a creative person according to the posts his made in his blog. Check out his blog!
8. picBlog - I checked out the blog and found out it's full of nice pictures. Cool blog!
9. SeedsOfMillionaire - This guy has a blog about Multi Level Marketing (MLM) and he also would like to share his journey to become a future millionaire.
Do you love a short review and a free link giveaway? Would you like to be include in my 4th Batch for this Mini Review Program? Simply visit my Project AGLOCO on 30th June 2007 and if you are lucky enough maybe you will get a mini review and a free link giveaway from me. Read the rules for this program HERE.
Related Post
56. 2nd Batch: Mini Review Program
41. 1st Batch: Mini Review Program
30. Mini Review Program
23. Link Exchange With My Blog
It's Your Internet - Own A Piece of It
4 Simple Steps To Earn Money Online
1. Sign Up as an AGLOCO Member (It's FREE).
2. Join 'My AGLOCO Team'.
3. Download the Viewbar.
4. Continue surfing AND get paid.
Posted by
7:40 AM
Labels: blog review, link exchange programs, mini, mini review program, review