70. 3rd Batch: Mini Review Program
Hello everybody, it's time for another Mini Review Program and this is the 3rd batch (What is Mini Review Program?). Yesterday, I've took a snapshot of 9 MyBlogLog blogger who last visited my blog and wrote a little bit about them. I would like to thank to all readers, visitors and friends who took their precious time to visit my blog. Hopefully you will get something from my blog and as promised, here is my 3rd batch for my Mini Review Program. Looking forward to the 4th batch on 30th of June 2007! 1. hfadzli - hfadzli likes to share his experienced on how to make money online in his blog, Money Maker Spot. Besides, he also are giving away free mini review to all his readers, check out his program here!
2. aglocoph - His real name was Johnny and one of AGLOCO members. His blog, Stentorized Blogging is a blog which has an attractive post. Just now, he just invite me to ride an exclusive Alexa Train Program. Thanks dude!
3. Turk_ - Turk is a guy from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. He blogs about AGLOCO and the opportunity to earn money for being online. Check out his blog!
4. 1dollar - Kristof Polleunis or better known as 1dollar runs a site, Aglomerate.com. Right now, he is offering a free linkback from his PR3 site. Check out this opportunity!
5. pakdi - pakdi (Suzardi Maulan) runs a blog entitled Esprit De Corps which focusing on business, money and investment. Really interesting blog and he also offering free ebook in his site.
6. Cheekui - Cheekui is an owner of Dirty Little Secret site which he would like to share his journey to make money online using what ever ways that he can do. With his PR3 site, it's worth to write a review for a free linkback from Chee Kui!
7. steveyu85 - steveyu85 or his real name Kok Hui is a part time blogger who author a blog, Malaysia Loves AGLOCO. I like to read his posts and I think he is a creative person according to the posts his made in his blog. Check out his blog!
8. picBlog - I checked out the blog and found out it's full of nice pictures. Cool blog!
9. SeedsOfMillionaire - This guy has a blog about Multi Level Marketing (MLM) and he also would like to share his journey to become a future millionaire.
Do you love a short review and a free link giveaway? Would you like to be include in my 4th Batch for this Mini Review Program? Simply visit my Project AGLOCO on 30th June 2007 and if you are lucky enough maybe you will get a mini review and a free link giveaway from me. Read the rules for this program HERE.
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