Hello friends and all readers, this is actually my first review for a PR5 sites, Ja Kel Daily Dot Com. To be honest, I'm not too good in doing a site's review. I have to admit this but I will try my best to improve my writing skill from time to time. Okay, I will write a review which covers certain aspect; the author/authors info, type of sites/blogs and graphical user interface (GUI).

The author of Ja Kel Daily Dot Com, Jason loves to
blog and is offering to link to your blog if you review his blog. So, I do get a linkback as exchange for this review. Hopefully a linkback from this PR5 site will boost up my blog's rank in
Technorati and
Alexa Dot Com.
A little bit about the author, Jason was married and a loving father to a daughter (Layla) and a son (Tate). What I got from my first impression is Jason likes Ferrari and he blogging about investing, make money online, cars, his personal life, wordpress plugin, the net and technology.
In terms of graphical user interface, Ja Kel Daily Dot Com using 2 columns with neatly arranged menu and plugin. This site is rather user friendly and it's easy for me to browse from one post to another looking for my interest, make money online and FREE stuff.
I recommend you to be a regular visitor to Ja Kel Daily Dot Com because it's worth to read Jason's posts. If you don't have time, consider to subscribe to the RSS feed and you will get the latest post via email. Last but not least, I love the quote of Jason's site : "No Limitations Just You And Your Keyboard".