34. Testing The Viewbar Part 1
I got this news from AGLOCO Official Blog. Guess what? The Viewbar is on the way and Brian himself testing the Viewbar in his personal computer (the Viewbar is labeled V0.53). Brian also said that there are 7 search engines in the search field. Here are the details.
Just a quick update on my Viewbar this week.
As stated in last weekend’s email, this is a very simple Viewbar (mine is labeled V0.53). But I think it does a good job with it simple functions of showing the path to the various continued enhancements that will come. As stated earlier, it looks much like Viewbar on the website, though slightly smaller (it is the same size as the windows task bar). I have mine docked on the bottom but it can also be moved to be at the top of the screen. I also tried the four color choices, and I like the default blue.
There are currently 7 search engines in the search field (I already use this to do all my searching as it is the most convenient way to search from my desktop). It has my favorite links as well as tools (calculator and calendar). I was told these tools are just there to show Members that the Viewbar will be a source of functionality (they will get more handy as improvements are made to the Viewbar). I sometimes use the favorite links menu, generally when I do not already have a browser up on my screen.
Since the release of this to Members is the most important topic at AGLOCO right now, here is the update on that:
All the final Viewbar ‘fixes’ are being implemented today and will be tested all through tomorrow. If they work correctly we should be able to move the download process to the AGLOCO site and your account page. If not, we’re going to fix whatever issues remain as quickly as possible - we won’t release a product that doesn’t work. I will give an update on this again tomorrow.
Also, we are aware of the website not always being available on a worldwide basis. We have been preparing to integrate the Viewbar download with the AGLOCO website. This has caused a balancing problem which our Savvis engineers have been working on for the last two weeks.
Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team
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1. Sign Up for Free as an AGLOCO Member.
2. Join 'My AGLOCO's Team' .
3. Download the Viewbar.
4.Continue surfing AND get paid.
